Keyword Research
Keyword Research by Ryall Marketing Agency Watford London

Keyword Research
In layman’s terms, keywords are words or phrases used to search the Internet. Keyword research looks at the keywords & phrases which are actually used by people to find companies like you. This research helps you understand which phrases are popular and how much competition there is for these terms. Your research will help you know that you are using the right terms to attract customers to your site.
We will then create the right page titles and content for your site and your digital activity can be properly ‘aligned’ to your core proposition. In short, it’s essential and a cornerstone for your digital success.
Your keyword research should underpin all of your digital marketing, and is essential for your website. It should also be applied to your social media, case studies, white papers, videos and directory listings. Therefore, any research undertaken will work very hard for you, because effectively, it will be used over and over again. This will ensure all your digital marketing (not just the website) is optimised.
What will give you the best return for your money?
You can’t optimise your site using guesswork. You need to undertake good quality keyword research before doing anything else. Otherwise it would be like investing your money in the first bank you came to, without checking the interest rates. You just wouldn’t do that!
You may think you can guess what people will search – but you would be wrong! Your client base can be surprisingly ignorant of the right terminology. If you’re a runner and your feet are killing you every morning, you want to find someone to help. what do you Google? Well most people would put ‘runners feet pain specialist’ – they wouldn’t put ‘physiotherapist specialising in plantar fasciitis’ (not unless you’d had it before!).
So, spend money on good research – it will be used again and again, and is a long term investment in understanding your customers.
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